Work Wonders
Back in late 2021, we decided that instead of chatting to each other about the challenges and triumphs of people management in small businesses, we should invite you to join the conversation. And the Work Wonders podcast was born! Managing people is serious business. We bring you all the latest, practical advice without the pain. The podcast is brought to you by Aster HR https://www.asterhr.com.au/ and your hosts are Angela Gauci and Susan Rochester
Work Wonders
BONUS: What's coming up in Season 5?
Season 5 begins in just 2 weeks!
Angela & Susan take a quick look at what we have in store for you.
We're back on Monday 11 March 2024 - with more special guests and hot topics, including your questions.
You won't want to miss it!
About this podcast
The Work Wonder podcast is brought to you by Aster HR.
We focus on keeping it simple so we can give you practical answers to all the things you're wondering about. We also bring you guests regularly to give you a wider perspective on all things, HR and business, we're here to help you grow your business.
We know your time is valuable. So our episodes are short and sharp and full of practical tips that you can use today.
We know that people in your business are your greatest resource and looking after them will look after your business.
We'll bring you up-to-date information on legal updates, and best practices, and provide you with guidance to recruit, engage, and retain a great team of staff in your small business.
About your hosts
Angela Gauci and Susan Rochester from Aster HR are your hosts.
Angela's HR career has spanned across many industries and types of organizations from small to medium size. Like Susan, Angela's expertise covers all the areas of the employment relationship and she too has qualifications in business, HR and Accounting.
Susan has qualifications in business and HR and takes great pleasure in being able to take the pain out of managing people. She's worked with a variety of small to medium businesses and knows how and where to find simple answers to complex problems.
Both have a strong belief that good HR management can benefit any business, no matter the size. With 40 years combined experience, Angela & Susan can guide you with simple and effective tools and coaching to help make people management much more managable.
Get ready for more great content in Season 5!
You can find the show notes for this episode here
Would you like to submit a question to the show? Let us know on our website or via LinkedIn.
Brought to you by Aster HR, the Work Wonders Podcast is hosted by Angela Gauci & Susan Rochester and is recorded at Launch Pad at Western Sydney University.
All information or advice included in this podcast is general, has been developed as a starting point for your business, and should be tailored to your specific requirements. It should not be considered legal advice. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and currency of this information at the time of recording. However, references to things like employment laws are subject to change. For specific advice relating to your business, please get in touch with us.
Hi, Angela here and Susan, we're back. We are season five. Can you believe it? It's just around the corner.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we're into our third year at the Workbundas podcast.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're loving it. We're hoping you're loving it too, and we're so looking forward to coming back to you soon.
Speaker 2:I was just thinking. You know, after this will be our fifth season coming up. What else can we talk about?
Speaker 1:You think we're being exhausted at all, never.
Speaker 2:Being fat until we, you know, worked out what we are going to talk about True.
Speaker 1:We know you love our guests, so we're not going to stop there. We will keep bringing you some really great guests this season, and we will begin, as we always do, our season with a Q&A episode. It's not too late. Send us your questions now via our website, astahrcomau, and we will mention them in the show and answer them for you.
Speaker 2:Yes, make sure you listen in to that Q&A episode, because it's always one that people enjoy. And what else have we got on Now? Some listeners might have heard about the new closing loopholes legislation, so we will be doing an episode on that. We'll be related to that, talking about restructuring, avoiding unfairness missiles Ah, that's a good one the risks associated with unfairness missiles, something a bit different volunteer management what are the tips and tricks and how you can manage volunteers? We're also going to do an episode on trust Trust in the workplace have you created it and what's involved there? And something that we've experienced is how to engage and consult them. So just to make sure, especially if it's the first time you're hiring someone, whether it be an accountant, lawyer, any other sort of specialist- Someone advising you, yeah, so we hope that sounds of interest to you.
Speaker 1:We can't wait to unpack it all for you, and we will be in your ears in the beginning of March. See you then. See you then. Bye now.